What about Abortion?
Once you are pregnant, you will always have been pregnant, no matter if the outcome is abortion, childbirth or miscarriage, and pregnancy can be a life changing event. So understanding the facts about abortion is very important. Take time to be educated on all your options!
Know the facts, before making your final decision.
Facing an unexpected pregnancy can seem overwhelming, and everything negative about a pregnancy fills your mind at one time; however, these problems are usually dealt with one step at a time. That is why knowing where to go for help is important. Talk to someone you can trust – your partner, your parents, a pastor, a priest or perhaps a good friend. Also, the staff at The Pregnancy Resource Center are available and provide a safe, confidential place to help you sort your thoughts through a difficult time.
Questions for an Abortion Clinic
- Do you have emergency transportation (an ambulance) on hand in case of an emergency?
- Do you have an anesthesiologist at your clinic?
- Does your clinic have whole blood on hand (not just plasma)?
- Are your doctors board certified?
- Are their licenses current?
- Does your clinic have a respirator?
What is Post-Abortion Syndrome? Is it real?
Are you at Risk?
There are many negative emotional reactions that have been associated with abortion. Some women experience “impacted grieving” which reflects an inability to complete the grieving process. Other women experience specific self-destructive tendencies, including eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, and substance abuse.
A widely used term for emotional problems relating to a past abortion is “post-abortion syndrome” or PAS.
Emotional Impact
Some women experience strong negative emotions after abortion. Sometimes this occurs within days and sometimes it happens after many years. This psychological response is known as PAS. Several factors that impact the likelihood PAS include: the woman’s age, the abortion circumstances, the stage of pregnancy at which the abortion occurs, and the woman’s religious beliefs.
PAS Symptoms
Guilt, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Anniversary Grief, Flashbacks of Abortion, Sexual Dysfunction, Relationship Problems, Eating Disorders, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Psychological Reactions
Help Is Available
If you suspect you suffer from PAS – or are simply struggling with your feelings about the abortion – don’t try to handle it alone. While talking to an understanding friend or relative may be helpful, women experiencing PAS may need counseling in order to work through their feelings about the abortion and the trauma surrounding it. For information on post-abortion counseling and support groups in your area, contact us through our website email or call us at 972-642-3877. All information is completely confidential.