Your first prenatal visit will probably be one of the longest, and it will help if you arrive prepared with vital dates and information. This is also a great time to prepare a list of questions that you and your partner might have about your pregnancy. For more information follow this link: Your First Prenatal Visit
During pregnancy, a woman’s daily intake requirements for certain nutrients, such as folic acid (folate), calcium, and iron will increase. Vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and folic acid are vital for proper fetal growth, development, and healthy adult living. Prenatal Vitamins
A doula is a professional trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical and informational support to the woman who is expecting, in labor or has recently given birth. The doula’s role is to help women have a safe, memorable and empowering birthing experience. Doula Information
A midwife is a health care professional that provides an array of health care services for women that may include medical histories and gynecological examinations, contraceptive counseling, prescriptions, and labor and delivery care. Considering a midwife
Perhaps you have been contemplating the pros and cons of home birth, or you and your partner are trying to compromise on a birth location; you may want to consider a birthing center.
The birth of your baby is one of the most memorable, life-changing, exciting experiences of your life. You will want to spend some time thinking through your hopes and wishes for this special day. Here is some helpful information on creating your birth plan.
The cord blood of your baby serves as an abundant source of stem cells, which are genetically distinctive to your baby and your family. Banking your baby’s blood and stem cells in a cord blood bank provides you with a type of insurance. Hopefully, you will not need to access your baby’s stem cells to address a medical problem, but using a cord blood bank can give you peace of mind that this valuable resource is there if you need it. Cord blood banking
Pregnancy Wellness
Caffeine is one of the most loved stimulants in America! But now that you are pregnant, you may need to lighten up on the daily intake of your favorite drinks and treats. Whats the real scoop on caffeine during pregnancy?
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), pregnant women should increase their usual servings of a variety of foods from five basic food groups. Essential Nutrients & Vitamins information
Folic acid is used to make the extra blood your body needs during pregnancy. All women of childbearing age should consume 400 micrograms of folic acid a day. Here is some information on Folic Acid.
Most foods are safe during pregnancy; however, there are some foods that you should avoid. Please see Foods to Avoid during pregnancy.
If you have been following a regular exercise program prior to your pregnancy, you should be able to maintain that program to some degree throughout your pregnancy. Here is some Exercise Guidelines during pregnancy.
If you are already exercising, you may be able to keep up with your routine and adapt it as you grow. These are the top recommended exercises for pregnancy.
Prenatal testing provides information about your baby’s health before he or she is born. Some routine tests during pregnancy also check on your health. Here is some information on Prenatal Testing.
Morning sickness is the nauseated feeling you experience in your first trimester. Not all morning sickness remedies will work for you, but these are just a few remedies and comforts that have helped other women get through their days. Surviving Morning Sickness information
Want to know when your baby is due? Calculate your baby’s due date with our pregnancy calculator.
Common Complications
Vaginal bleeding can occur frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems. But bleeding that occurs in the second and third trimester of pregnancy can often be a sign of a possible complication. Here is some basic things to know about bleeding during pregnancy.
Headaches may occur at any time during your pregnancy, but they tend to be most common during the first and third trimesters. Here is helpful information on Headaches and Pregnancy
Pregnancy can be such an exciting time, but with the great number of recognized miscarriages that occur, it is beneficial to be informed about miscarriage, in the unfortunate event that you find yourself or someone you know faced with one. Please see important information on Miscarriages.
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself in a place other than inside the uterus. Almost all ectopic pregnancies occur in a fallopian tube, and are thus sometimes called tubal pregnancies. Here is what causes ectopic pregnancy information.
Morning sickness is not harmful to you or your baby, but if you experience excessive vomiting and cannot keep your food down, you need to contact your health care provider. Here is Do’s and Don’t for Morning Sickness
The Rh factor is a type of protein on the surface of red blood cells. Most people who have the Rh factor are Rh-positive. Those who do not have the Rh factor are Rh-negative. Rh factor information
During pregnancy, as the baby grows and gets heavier, it presses on the cervix. This pressure may cause the cervix to start to open before the baby is ready to be born. This condition is called incompetent cervix or weakened cervix. For more information see Incompetent Cervix
Establishing paternity is important to ensure a child’s wellbeing and to fully protect his or her rights. Definitively knowing one’s biological parentage is important for several reasons. Please see Paternity Tesing information
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